
SFTP service for Magento

Some of your suppliers and business partners may want to interchange files with your store via ftp/sftp. Usually it is orders and stock data in CSV or XML format. And we should to decide, how to hold this sftp service.


Magento 2 Pagespeed Recommendations

Magento is a very slow e-commerce system and initially the pagespeed score is very low. To increase pagespeed, you need to take some steps, which I will describe. The post will be updated.


How to Reset Admin password in Magento 2

The easiest and probably the correct way to reset the Magento administrative password is to use the command line:


Opcache wasted memory

Opcache is a vital mechanism for caching opcodes, without which no PHP project can function properly. Opcache provides performance by storing compiled opcodes in RAM. Let’s figure out how it works and what wasted memory is.


Magento /app/code vs /vendor

Modules in Magento can be located in two places – /app/code and /vendor. Let’s consider what is the difference between them and where it is right to develop your modules. TLDR: it depends on the number of projects in your company.

Docker Linux Magento

Fluentbit does not follow the logs

Fluentbit can follow and parse logs and send them to different systems, for example, Newrelic or Elasticsearch. But you may notice, that for some reason it does not follow files or stops follow ones.

Magento Varnish

Setup Varnish Transient cache for Magento

As you know, Varnish is a powerful caching system and it is a must-have on every Magento setup, even at the development workstation. But there is a little trick that very few people know about. It is the Transient cache, which I explain below.


Magento2 Recommended OpCache Configuration

Magento is very demanding on component settings. Everything has to be carefully configured, especially the opCache in PHP. It is opCache that is mainly responsible for PHP’s performance.


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [magento2_product_1_v3] has been exceeded

It is because the default value of index.mapping.total_fields.limit is 1000. To increase it for some index to 2000 just run curl request:

curl -s -XPUT http://elasticsearch:9200/magento2_product_1_v3/_settings -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000}'

PHP 7.4 preloading feature for Magento

PHP 7.4 introduces the opcache preloading function. Its meaning is to load all the necessary scripts into memory at the stage of starting the PHP daemon. Let’s see if this feature is worth using in Magento?