
Understanding the lifetime of Varnish cached objects: TTL, grace, and keep

In the context of caching, the terms TTL (Time to Live), grace, and keep are often associated with controlling the lifetime of cached objects. These parameters are commonly used in caching systems like Varnish to manage how long an object should be considered valid and under what conditions it can still be served from the cache. Let’s explore each term:


Spontaneous loss of Varnish cache

You may notice that Varnish works well, but sometimes it completely loses the cache as the child process of Varnish is reloaded. This may be version independent and is accompanied by various errors, such as this one:


Varnish segfault because of

Varnish can fail not only because of misconfigured transient cache. It can fail because of bugs, for example in using libexecinfo. Sometimes you can see that Varnish’s child process fails and you lose all the cache due to it.

Magento Varnish

Setup Varnish Transient cache for Magento

As you know, Varnish is a powerful caching system and it is a must-have on every Magento setup, even at the development workstation. But there is a little trick that very few people know about. It is the Transient cache, which I explain below.


Reload Varnish VCL using varnishadm

You can reload Varnish config without losing your cache. To do this, you should use the standard varnishadm CLI utility.